Basic Things to Know About Divorce Mediation

Basic Things to Know About Divorce Mediation

Divorce proceedings are usually associated with dramatic confrontations and long-drawn-out conflicts between the couple. The truth, however, is that it doesn’t have to be. In fact, there is a way to finalize the divorce without ever having to step into court. This is through the process of divorce mediation.

Essentially, this process offers a chance for divorcing couples to settle their issues related to the divorce together, as opposed to being imposed with a court judgment. Whatever is agreed upon in the mediation is legal and binding, and so must be honored by both parties.

The Mediator

In the mediation process, the couple, along with their representative lawyers, such as those from Cordell & Cordell, will be meeting with each other to tackle contentious points in the divorce one by one. Because discussions can get heated, threatening a fallout of the mediation, it’s important to have a neutral third party joining in the discussion too. This would be the mediator.

To be clear, however, the mediator is there simply to facilitate and moderate the discussion, not to make the resolutions for you. Their negotiation skills and techniques employed can help clear the air, especially when it becomes too clouded by biases and high-strung emotions.

Having a mediator, therefore, helps guide the process into the more civil territory. This is advantageous for the couple involved because then they are able to better communicate with each other, thus diffusing the tension, making for a better resolution of the issues. It also helps set up the foundation for a civil relationship after the divorce, helping to avoid potential conflicts in the future.

The Process

Before the mediation begins, the parties involved need to meet with the mediator, ideally in separate meetings. This is so that the mediator can have a clear idea of what each side wants, where they stand on the issues, and what points of conflict they are expecting to arise.

This is also the part where the mediator lays out the terms for the process, such as the scheduling of the meetings, determining which sessions would require both parties present, and any other requirement they might need from the divorcing couple.

Consult with your lawyer first, such as the Cordell & Cordell law professionals, to know your options and how to prepare for divorce mediation.

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