We all know dogs can make excellent pets, but bite wounds from dogs can range from minor to life-threatening. A dog bite can cause severe injuries like tetanus or rabies infection. Thousands are bitten every year, and dozens of people die from a dog bite depending on the dog’s history. Larger dogs, especially, don’t know their bite strength, which commonly results in serious injury to the recipient while playing. Petting a dog may not seem dangerous, but if it is anxious, ill, or hungry, it can unexpectedly lash out in defense.
In the United States, more than 53 million dogs are sharing the human-canine bond, more dogs per capita than any other county in the world. Between 2005 and 2018, approximately 471 people were killed by dog bites in the United States, averaging 37 deaths per year which is a number that can’t be ignored.
Essential Safety Tips to Avoid Dog Bites:
- Never approach an unfamiliar dog. Don’t make random movements and stay still if a strange dog approaches you.
- Don’t pet a dog unless it has either seen or sniffed you.
- If a dog knocks you out, roll over in the shape of a ball and lay still.
About Dog Bite Law in Texas:
Unlike many states, Texas does not have a civil law that points out the civil liability of a dog owner, which is caused by an animal’s bite or other injuries. Texas is a one-bite rule state. This rule states the idea that a dog’s first bite is free when it comes to the owner’s liability to whoever was bitten; after the first bite, the dog owner is said to be on notice of their dog’s tendency to bite. All of this typically means that in a Texas dog bite claim, the injured person, with the help of a dog bite lawyer, usually must show that:
- The dog’s owner had a fair idea that the dog had acted aggressively or had bitten someone in the past.
- The owner failed to provide reasonable care to their pet and was unable to control their dog or prevent the bite, and as a result, the recipient was bitten.
In some instances, the animal’s owner can face criminal charges as well. Texas health and safety code section 822.005 states that a dog’s owner may be charged with an offense by a dog bite lawyer if:
- The owner “with criminal negligence” fails to keep their dog under control, and the dog attacks someone causing severe injury or death at any location that is away from the owner’s property.
- According to Texas law, if an owner identifies their dog as “dangerous” and their pet attacks someone, unprovoked, somewhere other than a secure place where their dog is restrained.
Want a Dog Bite Lawyer? Here’s the Best Solution for You.
Having a dog bite or injury is a dreadful experience; sadly, few law firms only accept cases with intense injuries. But at the law office of Mathew Shrum, every client gets their rightful share of compensation, no matter how big or small the damage was.
The law office of Mathew Shrum aims to hold careless dog owners liable, reimburse the damage you went through, and help you to return to your everyday life. Contact them today for the best dog bite lawyers.