One of the most common mistake that many people out there mate is the fact that, when it comes to getting a green card instead of actually following the legal process, they believe that is going to be a lot harder for them to actually get the card to begin with. That is partly true and partly rumour.
Green cards are hard to come by
The truth is that, it is quite difficult to manage and get a green card to enter America as a legal citizen it. However, it is not impossible and there are certain types of green cards like for example a marriage we can’t that are actually a lot easier to get. That is of course, provided that you’re able to prove that your marriage is not illegal.
The reason why the entire process is rather difficult is mostly due to the fact that Green Card for Family Preference Immigrants, the American government wants to eliminate criminal activity surrounding recount marriages. It wasn’t long ago when, American citizens would literally ask for money in order for them to marry immigrants and managed to get them a green card. This is one of the main reasons as to why, the bureaucratic procedure to get a green card has become so strict over the past two years.
Is your marriage truly legit?
At the same time, if your marriage truly is legit, you will need to be able to prove that to the American government. There is a certain process that you will need to go through. Certain questions that you will want to answer as a married couple, certain questions that you will want to answer in order for you to get the American citizenship and of course, a lot of papers that you will need to gather. Now, if you find yourselves the right green card marriage lawyer then this entire process is actually going to run a lot smoother.
The very first thing you’re going to want to watch out for is going to be the experience and expertise of that lawyer. Yes, you can get any kind of lawyer you want however, just hiring a random person will not guarantee that you will definitely be able to get the green card.
Yes, you are entitled to it but you do not want to have to go through any kind of problems just because your lawyer did not know the bureaucratic procedure to the letter. You need to make sure that you will be able to get the best. If your marriage is indeed legal then you are going to get your green card in no time.