What is the Personal Injury Claim Process?

What is the Personal Injury Claim Process?

When you suffer personal injuries due to the negligence of others, our Ponca City, OK personal injury attorneys can guide you through the claims process.

When personal injuries happen due to the negligence of others, you can hold them accountable for the medical expenses, lost wages, and other damages you suffer. However, to ensure you get what you are entitled to in a claim, it is important to get an experienced Ponca City personal injury attorney on your side. We protect your rights throughout the process, taking the various steps needed to get you the compensation you need to recover.

The First Steps of Filing a Personal Injury Claim

Negligence is a legal term that refers to actions a reasonable person would otherwise not take that put you in harm’s way or inactions that put you at risk. When negligence results in personal injuries, you have the right under the Oklahoma Statutes to hold those at-fault accountable. The first step in filing a personal injury claim is to notify the police immediately so that an accident report can be filed. Make note of exactly when and where it happened and get contact information for others involved, as well as for any witnesses at the scene. You should also seek medical attention as soon as possible, regardless of the severity of your injuries. Not doing so could impact your health and your rights in a claim.

Depending on the circumstances, you may be contacted by insurance representatives for the at-fault part. Before making any statements or accepting any offers, contact our Ponca City personal injury attorneys first. Actions we can take on your behalf include:

  • Conducting our own investigation into your accident;
  • Gathering additional evidence in support of your claim;
  • Obtaining statements from your doctor to determine the severity of your injuries and your prognosis for recovery;
  • Estimating the total amount of other damages you have suffered to ensure you get the maximum amount you are entitled to in your case.

The Process for Personal Injury Lawsuits in Ponca City

Once we gather information about your injuries and the circumstances involved, we aggressively negotiate with any insurance representatives involved. If insurance is unavailable or a reasonable settlement cannot be reached, we can file a personal injury lawsuit through the Kay County Civil Court. This process involves:

  • Filing the appropriate legal documents and making sure they are served on the at-fault party;
  • Going through the discovery phase, which involves both sides sharing any evidence they possess;
  • Attending mediation or negotiating with the at-fault party and their attorney in an effort to obtain an out-of court settlement;
  • Attending court hearings on your behalf and making effective legal arguments before the judge or jury in your case.

Get Our Ponca City, OK Personal Injury Attorneys on Your Side

You have only one chance to get compensation for personal injuries. To help ensure you get the maximum amount you are entitled to, get Boettcher, Devinney, Ingle & Wicker on your side. Call 580-765-9660 or contact our Ponca City personal injury attorneys online today to request a consultation.